Charles Njojno in the Kenyan Nation: Failing to attend the Lambeth Conference is cowardly

Members of the Anglican Church in Kenya would like to know why our bishops are not attending the Lambeth 2008 Conference.

Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi is reported as reasoning thus: “Lambeth 2008 should have been about a return to God in view of these realities, yet it’s obvious that won’t be the case. Canterbury has sanctioned homosexuality. We cannot be going there to keep up with its theological gymnastics.”

Is this not missing the point of Lambeth? Isn’t this cowardly?

This conference is central in our church tradition as one of the four instruments of the Anglican Communion.

Read the whole thing.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Kenya, Anglican Provinces, Lambeth 2008

3 comments on “Charles Njojno in the Kenyan Nation: Failing to attend the Lambeth Conference is cowardly

  1. francis says:

    Your bishops thank you for your support. Tell us how you really feel. Then tell us how much your soul is really worth.

  2. John Wilkins says:

    The writer does make a point. We know that the Anglican church in Africa is not of one mind – if anything, some African conservatives might find their own episcopacy tiresome.

    The benefit of showing up and playing is often stronger than pouting when one doesn’t like the rules.

  3. Br. Michael says:

    No. The writer is missing the point. To go to Lambeth is to affirm the course thet TEC has set and to join with those in the AC who are determined that the AC is to do nothing to arrest TEC’s departure from Christianity.

    The people not attending said they would not go unless TEC was disciplined. TEC has not been disciplined. To go is to accept what they dedlared was unacceptable. For them to go says that they were not serious and that it is business as usual. They will be discredited and this is what the supporters of TEC will say! They will beat it like a drum. TEC will say, “They said they would not go, but they did anyway. They sold the orthodox laity out once more so why should you laity follow them? If you want to be in the AC we are the only game in town. So join with us or get out.”

    Those urging them to go know this full well. It signals capitulation to TEC’s inovations and that is why they are so disperate for the orthodox Bishops to attend.