Bishops Alexander of Atlanta, Johnson of West Tennessee, and Waynick of Indianapolis Reflect

(ENS) The second Indaba group was held in the afternoon. The conversation was focused into four sections: Scripture, Worship, Order, and Mission. Each Indaba group divided into four smaller subgroups to discuss one of those areas. After that, there was a sharing of information.

The conversations were rich and full, everyone participated, no one was disengaged, and a great deal of respectful listening and good interchange occurred.

And, in our Provisional Meeting, we were thrilled to have greeting from EYE (Episcopal Youth Event) which concluded with a rousing “May the Peace of the Lord Be With You.” The bishops responded with enthusiastic applauds and cheers!

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Lambeth 2008, TEC Bishops

3 comments on “Bishops Alexander of Atlanta, Johnson of West Tennessee, and Waynick of Indianapolis Reflect

  1. David Wilson says:

    I assume Provisional should be Provincial?

  2. RomeAnglican says:

    Does the last line strike anyone else as just a wee bit Kim-Il-Sung-ish?

  3. Laura R. says:

    Quite a contrast to the account provided by Bishop Howe (see below), although he was presumably in a different group. The superficiality of this one makes me wonder if the participants’ main intention was to stay with the agenda provided by 815 for dealing with the press.