Canadian cleric predicts a woman will eventually lead Anglicans

Canada’s leading female Anglican cleric has courted controversy at a major church conference in Britain by predicting the eventual rise of a woman as Archbishop of Canterbury.

“The signposts are pointing in one direction,” former Edmonton bishop Victoria Matthews told Reuters on Tuesday during a global gathering of Anglican bishops at the once-a-decade Lambeth Conference. “I would be very surprised if it wasn’t accepted worldwide.”

Matthews, whose recent selection as the Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, sparked an uproar among conservative Anglicans in that country, also shot back at Vatican officials who have complained the Church of England’s July 8 decision to begin appointing female bishops poses “a further obstacle for reconciliation” between Catholics and Anglicans.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Lambeth 2008

8 comments on “Canadian cleric predicts a woman will eventually lead Anglicans

  1. RMBruton says:

    I predict that the woman with her eye on this prize is none other than KJS.

  2. driver8 says:

    Only if she can swear an oath of loyalty to the Queen and all her lawful successors.

  3. Chris Hathaway says:

    Now, now. You know how easy it is her sort to make vows. The only cross that they truly bear is the one made behind their back with their fingers.

  4. RazorbackPadre says:

    That isn’t funny.

    If the problem in Anglicanism is a failure to interpret Scripture either Traditionally or reasonably then we face a deeper crisis than is currently acknowledged even by +Duncan or ++Sudan. Namely, if we are going to correct the problem of failing to interpret Scripture Traditionally and reasonably, then we are going to have to apply the medicine across the board, and that will mean no more sexually immoral bishops and no more women bishops either. And therefore, no woman on the throne of Canterbury.

    However, I think the evidence suggests that there will be a woman on that throne in my lifetime. In other words, The Doctor’s aren’t calling for medicine for a cure, just management of the disease.

  5. Chris Hathaway says:

    Razorbackpadre, acceptance of WO in “conservative” circles comes from a studied aversion to theological cause and effect and to a rather simplistic Puritan idea that their opponents in this case simply aren’t accepting the authority of Scripture, without laying out a clear and neutral method of how to read Scripture. They are revealing the clay feet of a radically Protestant Sola Scriptura without realizing it.

  6. RazorbackPadre says:

    #5 said “without laying out a clear and neutral method of how to read Scripture.”

    Agreed. We need to return to the catholic way in order to find a unifying hermeneutic. That is what I mean by pointing out that we must no longer read scripture without regard to Tradition or faithful reason.

    On the side bar: the last time I openly criticized Sola Scriptura my family and friends tried to hang me from the rafters!

  7. Choir Stall says:

    …a woman will eventually lead Anglicans.
    Into what?

  8. Larry Morse says:

    #7. Hot flashes prolly. L