Cherie Wetzel: Lambeth Report #11 Monday evening July 28, 2008

TEC bishops Catherine Roskam, Suffragan, New York and Kirk Smith, Arizona, spoke first about the theme of the day: the Bishop and Interfaith dialogue. Both noted that they have a new respect for the bishops here who live in multi-cultural and multi-faith worlds and really need to dialogue so that all may live peaceably together and get along. Both described their efforts at dialogue as much less serious business.

Moving on to the third session today from the Windsor Continuation Group, both said that they would prefer to see the statements made in a positive and much less negative wording. Bishop Smith said that affirming their relationships as bishops in a positive way would be more acceptable; because it sounds like if you don’t accept this thesis and/or the Covenant, you can’t be part of the group.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Lambeth 2008

2 comments on “Cherie Wetzel: Lambeth Report #11 Monday evening July 28, 2008

  1. robroy says:

    [blockquote]Indeed, 1/3 of the booths at the marketplace are rented to and staffed by LGBT groups. Probably 1/3 of the self-select lectures have gay subjects or speakers. They are here in record numbers. [/blockquote]
    Gay Lambeth. Need we say more?

  2. Alice Linsley says:

    I love Cherie’s reports! She is a great observer.

    Here is a report on the Lambeth stalemate over Gene Robinson: