And Speaking of Fort Worth

Ms. Sherrod has put up a document about some discussions some members of the diocese of Fort Worth are having with local Roman Catholics. A Dallas News article about this is here.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Religion News & Commentary, Ecumenical Relations, Episcopal Church (TEC), Other Churches, Roman Catholic, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Fort Worth

12 comments on “And Speaking of Fort Worth

  1. Bernini says:

    Fr. Crary is a good, holy man. As rector of my parish growing up in the 80s, his example helped to lay the groundwork for my formation. I wish him and the rest of Ft. Worth godspeed.

  2. Sarah1 says:

    I don’t find this surprising.

    I expect that Bishop Iker and the other leaders in that diocese are exploring all options.

    I think much depends on whether that diocese determines that there is a place for Anglo-Catholics in the new Common Cause entity.

  3. A Floridian says:

    This unsubstantiated document presented by Sherrod, a veteran member of the sexual libertarian agenda, is talking about communion WITH Rome, about replacing the lawlessness in the AC with a traditional conciliar confessional form of governance, not about going to Rome.

    The traditionalists in Ft. Worth have a lot more in common with Catholicism than with the antichrists and their facilitators who have usurped power in TEC.

  4. Words Matter says:

    While I wouldn’t trust Katie Sherrod, the DMN article does go to the sources, so it seems to be a fact that the meeting happened and Bp. Vann is open to a process. As a point of interest, the chancellor of the diocese mentioned in Sherrod’s posting, resigned from the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in ’94 or ’95, was ordained to the Catholic priesthood in ’96-97, and served an Anglican Use parish until his services were needed in a regular Latin Rite parish. I don’t remember if Bp. Iker or Bp. Pope ordained Fr. Hart to the Episcopal ministry, but there is some history there.

  5. Violent Papist says:

    Very good news, if true.

  6. The young fogey says:

    I agree with these four priests about Anglicanism. The Catholic Movement there has no future.


  7. teatime says:

    I would have a very hard time believing that Ft. Worth would run en masse to the RCC for anything. The RCC in the Metroplex has been rife with sex abuse scandals, mismanagement, and financial difficulties. I certainly wouldn’t see joining up with them as any sort of solution!

  8. St. Jimbob of the Apokalypse says:

    Teatime…it’s hard to look past the people IN the Church, and all their sinful human faults, but at least the Church is not looking for ways to bless those sins and call them virtues.

  9. teatime says:

    St. Jimbob,
    Read the entire article. The RCC looks past the sins and deems these jokers as fit to be priests and bishops. My God, the priest in question served a jail sentence for stealing over $100K from a parish, and used part of the money to take teenage boys on vacation. The bishop at the time knew this and STILL accepted him for service and put him in charge of the Scouting program! Sheesh, if that isn’t affirming the sins, I don’t know what is! And just like in TEC, it’s a systemic problem, not an isolated one.

  10. imprimartin says:

    “Sheesh, if that isn’t affirming the sins, I don’t know what is! And just like in TEC, it’s a systemic problem, not an isolated one.”

    Then apparently you don’t know what affirming the sins is. Allow me to illustrate:

    [b]AFFIRMING SINS:[/b]
    Bishop Affirmer: Well, Fr Embezzeler, it looks like you are guilty of stealing money and then taking teen boys on vacation with that money. Good Job! Keep it up. For that, I can’t promote you but I give you a job to be in charge of some Scouting program somewhere.”

    Bishop NoSpine: Well, Fr Embezzeler, it looks like you are guilty of stealing money and then taking teen boys on vacation with that money. You served your jail-time?

    Fr Embezzeler: Yes, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I’ve got a problem and I know that. I hope I can stop in the future. But it’s so difficult.

    Bishop NoSpine: I want you to get some help. I know I shouldn’t do this, but if you get help, I’ll give you ONE more chance. Got that?! Don’t screw this up. I’ll give you a job to be in charge of the Scouting program and I’ll have someone mentor you. If you see yourself starting to fall, call me immediately or the mentor. Don’t mess this up.

    If you take a picture of either of these scenarios, you will see an ex-con priest managing a scouting program. On the outside, they look the same but one is affirming and the other is doing a VERY BAD JOB of not-affirming.

  11. Bernini says:

    Not to split hairs, but, it should be noted that the enabling RCC bishop in this case was the late +Delaney. Bishop Vann, by all accounts, is doing his best to clean up Delaney’s mess. This is a truly awful case, one of the worst worst-case-scenarios one can imagine. Give Bp. Vann a little credit for being proactive in shutting down Magaldi’s ministries and actively lobbying Rome to defrock him.