The Diocese of Virginia Statement on Yesterday's Court Ruling

From here:

While we are disappointed in today’s ruling, we are committed to exploring every option available to restore constitutional and legal protections for all churches in Virginia. Meanwhile, we look ahead to the October trial and the issues to be considered in the fall.

The Diocese remains firmly committed to ensuring that loyal Episcopalians, who have been forced to worship elsewhere, will be able to return to their Episcopal homes. Generations of Episcopalians pledged themselves to the Diocese in order to ensure a lasting legacy of Episcopal faith and worship in Virginia.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Episcopal Church (TEC), Law & Legal Issues, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Virginia

9 comments on “The Diocese of Virginia Statement on Yesterday's Court Ruling

  1. Creighton+ says:

    Baby Blue does an excellent job of addressing the Diocese’s statement.

  2. Tar Heel says:

    Condensed version: “We are committed to continue throwing good money after bad, not because we might win, but because we are so p’d off about this and want to make everyone else as miserable as we are.”

  3. Philip Snyder says:

    What about all the Episcopalians who were forced to look for other churches because of the innovations in the “historic faith and practice” forced down their throats by General Convention?

    If Bishop Lee had been faithful to up hold the “Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of Christ as this Church as received them,” then the vast majority of those parishes would not have left the diocesan fold.

    Phil Snyder

  4. CharlesB says:

    I wonder how it feels to be a member of TEC in VA knowing that my contibutions to the parish are going in some lawyer’s pocket vs. doing what the church should be doing with the money.

  5. midwestnorwegian says:

    Interesting choice of words. I guess I could say that TEO has “forced” me to worship at home since GC2003.

  6. Chris says:

    #2, you forgot “and scare as many churches and dioceses from doing the same.”

  7. Jeffersonian says:

    Consider TEC’s latest golden calf – the Millenium Development Goals – and that 815 has allocated about $1 million to it over period of three years. In less time, DioVA has spent around twice that on lawsuits. Factor in all the swag other dioceses and 815 have shoveled into lawyers and you’ll get an idea of the real mission of TEC.

  8. William P. Sulik says:

    Thank you, Brother Phil, #3 – I can’t begin to tell you how discouraging it was to lose so many faithful friends from our congregation due to the apostate actions of ECUSA over the last decade. Yet, Peter Lee has never publicly acknowledged this.

  9. Betty See says:

    [blockquote] Meanwhile, we look ahead to the October trial and the issues to be considered in the fall.[/blockquote]
    What “October trial” is he talking about? How many lawsuits have they filed?