Stephen Andrews Elected Bishop of Algoma on the Ninth Ballot

Some basic information about the electing convention is here.

Dr. Andrews presentation to the ACC in Nottingham in 2006 is here.

Some biographical information and a picture is there.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces

7 comments on “Stephen Andrews Elected Bishop of Algoma on the Ninth Ballot

  1. comoxpastor says:

    Good show! Stephen was Dean of Prince Albert (SK) when I was ordained. I greatly appreciated his ministry before he went to Thorneloe College.

  2. Sarah1 says:

    Wow — nine ballots.

    Was Algoma a traditional diocese in the past?

  3. Rob Eaton+ says:

    Even better, and made my heart glad, to see the names of NINE nominees. That might explain a little about the nine ballots. Unless of course you are speaking from a Tennessee context whereby nine ballots should be received as a mandate election.
    : Stephen Andrews (Algoma)
    Thomas Corston (Algoma)
    Dawn Henderson (Algoma)
    Andrew Hoskin (Algoma)
    Harry Huskins (Algoma)
    Richard Salt (Huron)
    Wayne Short (Algoma)
    Nelson Small (Algoma)
    Linda White (Algoma)

    This, as far as I’m concerned (and it is a measured opinion), is the way all episcopal elections should take place from here on in. Everybody in (unless they choose to opt out), and it sorts out quickly.

  4. azusa says:

    He used to be study assistant to John Stott.
    Could help in a ‘church’ with Anglican leaders who caricature reasserters almost incessantly and criticize the Bible regularly like Michael Ingham.

  5. tjmcmahon says:

    Just like the US, Canada has its share of orthodox parishes and dioceses. I don’t know what the percentages are, but you will find a number of orthodox parishes in Algoma, and certainly some laypeople who are as upset with what their national church is doing as we in the US are with ours. I’m researching parishes in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario as an alternative to TEC (would only be a 10 mile drive), as I live in the dreaded Dio. of Northern Michigan, where some parishes have replaced the Nicene Creed with the Baptismal covenant in their non-BCP liturgies of open communion (or so it is reported by the local clergy who apparently have been witnesses to this at diocesan functions).

  6. azusa says:

    Hmm, I have incurred the ‘correction’ of the elves.
    What’s wrong with ‘ignoramus’? (Don’t answer ‘Don’t know’!)

  7. mugsie says:

    #2, Algoma has ALWAYS been a traditional diocese. Bishop Ferris led the diocese well for a long time. I just pray that doesn’t change now. I pray this new fellow doesn’t buckle under pressure.