An Open Letter to the Church of England House of Bishops

Most Reverend and Right Reverend Fathers in God,

Tomorrow [today on the time of posting] you will meet as a House of Bishops to discuss the current state of the Church of England and, particularly, the decision made at General Synod over the summer. As young people training for the ministerial priesthood in the Church of England we have attempted to put into words our concerns and anxieties about the future, and to offer you, in some small way, an insight into our hopes and fears for, potentially, forty years of ordained ministry.

The decision by General Synod in July to consider a Code of Practice, rather than structural alternatives, presents a significant problem for those who are opposed to the ordination of women. Many of this integrity have suggested that it is “too soon to give up” and that something effective can come from the next Group of Sessions. We fear this is unlikely. If the Church of England chooses not to provide appropriate structural solutions, as this resolution by General Synod would seem to indicate, it would be foolhardy – and even disingenuous – to continue to prepare for a life of ordained ministry in the Church of England.

Read it carefully and read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops

4 comments on “An Open Letter to the Church of England House of Bishops

  1. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    An outstanding, articulate and thoroughly reasonable letter.
    My hearts aches for these brave young men who have offered their lives to the CHurch but are being treated so poorly. How must it feel to be in theological college and hearing that the church no longer considers you faithful? As happened at the July Synod. How must it feel to know you are entering an instition to serve God but that that same institution is hell bent on driving you out (but supporting others who cannot even demonstrate obedience to scripture)

    The saddest part is that the HOB will not even answer this. There will be no response and the arrogant hierarchy will continue to insist a Code of Practice is sufficient. (Even though it has failed elsewhere and that there is not ONE traditionalist who agrees). Offering us a Code of Practice is akin to offering a vegetarian chicken instead of lamb.

  2. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    A great deal of damage has been done to our church by the efforts of the TEC-in-a-bag ladies, Marilyn McCord-Adams and Christina Rees who appear to be acting as a fifth column. Let us pray for some common sense and for God’s guidance for our Archbishops and House of Bishops at this time.

  3. Gator says:

    “Code of Practice”–Remember the reply of Geoffrey Rush (Pirate Captain in Pirates of the Carib.) in his best pirate accent to the appeal by the bold damsel to “The Pirates’ Code.” “It’s not so much a code really,” he said, “It’s more like guidelines.”

    Pirates they are.

  4. The_Elves says:

    farstrider said:

    What a fantastic letter. God grant the bishops ears to hear.

    [This comment is by farstrider and is reposted here since it was originally posted on the incorrect thread.]