ABC's Nightline on Hidden Food Inflation: Super Downsize Me

Go to the second link down where it says “Super Downsize Me” and click on those words. This is an excellent report on the way companies are raising prices on many food items while hiding that fact from many (most?) consumers. Watch it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Dieting/Food/Nutrition, Economy

7 comments on “ABC's Nightline on Hidden Food Inflation: Super Downsize Me

  1. Dan Crawford says:

    I’ve noticed this fraud for several years, and all Mr. Stibel’s hot-air and BS research only underscores the fundamental dishonesty of the manufacturers. Mr. Stibel and his clients will do anything to increase the buck they take from consumers. It is, after all, the American way.

  2. Scott K says:

    Uh – I’m not outraged by the downsizing, but I’m terribly distracted by that consultant’s hair.

  3. Byzantine says:

    We are headed back to the 1970’s, with shabby goods and shabby design. Remember the “contemporary” house style? Aluminum wiring? Polyester? The more the government consumes–through inflation, taxation and regulation–the lower the nation’s living standards.

  4. Chris says:

    I buy the family groceries (probably 75 times a year). I look primarily at one thing – cost per ounce. While the cost per ounce of pretty much everything has gone up in the last 2 years, it’s still the most effective way to get the most value for your money.

  5. Little Cabbage says:

    Dan, you are correct! Remember when a ‘pound’ of coffee actually contained 16 oz? Hereabouts, that was reduced to 12 oz some years back! Result: automatic 33% increase for the manufacturer! Can you spell RIP-OFF?!? Byzantine, your post makes no sense, and it unrelated to this thread. It seems to be simply more of the mindless ‘it must be the government’s fault’ mantra.

  6. CanaAnglican says:

    #5. Dear Little,

    Please, please, the manufacturers are only trying to make your life better, and safer, with the new “easier to carry home” packaging. This is going to save you a lot of back strain! Just think: every grocery bag 33% lighter! (Lighter wallet, too.) — Stan

  7. Jim the Puritan says:

    Where I find it most dramatic is canned tuna. Those cans that had mostly tuna a couple of years back now are substantially filled with water.

    Last night I bought a taco salad from a fast food chain, and they had halved the size of the packaged dressing that came with the salad.