In Pittsburgh, Remaining Episcopalians name interim leader

Leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh that remained in the Episcopal Church after most of the diocese seceded have named as their interim spiritual leader retired Bishop Robert Hodges Johnson, formerly of the Diocese of Western North Carolina.

Bishop Johnson, not to be confused with a different Bishop Robert Johnson who also served in North Carolina, will provide part-time pastoral and sacramental duties while a committee of local clergy and laity continues to run the diocese. His contract ends July 31. Bishop Johnson did similar work in the Diocese of Southern Virginia in 2006.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Pittsburgh

5 comments on “In Pittsburgh, Remaining Episcopalians name interim leader

  1. Nevin says:

    New rule #1 in the reorganized TEC Diocese of Pittsburgh- no questioning leadership decisions. In announcing this appointment Dr. Jim Simons said, “We need to trust that those who have been raised up to leadership have everyone’s best interest in mind” and “We need to see this appointment as God’s way of moving us forward”. Dr. Simons denounced those who would examine the credentials of the appointee, claiming it would be “mistrustful and suspicious”. Why should Pittsburgh Episcopalians remain ignorant of the positions of their new Assisting Bishop? I think I know why…

  2. jamesw says:

    To follow up Nevin’s comment, according to Louie Crew’s website, Bishop Robert H. Johnson signed the liberal Pastoral Statement to Lesbian and Gay Anglicans from Some Member Bishops of the Lambeth Conference after the 1998 resolution; voted for Blessing of Same-Gender Unions to be added to Book of Occasional Services; voted in favor of Resolution D039 (blessing SSU’s are within TEC’s acceptable boundaries) at GC’03; signed a statement supporting Bishop Jane Dixon regarding her actions in Accokeek; and consented to the consecration of Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire. In other words, the new TEC replacement diocese has just obtained a very liberal assistant bishop.

    No wonder Jim Simons doesn’t want anyone to question the choice, or to do any research on Bishop Johnson. Just stay quiet and ignorant. After all why would anyone be “mistrustful and suspicious” of TEC leadership over the past few years?!?!? Anytime a supposed conservative ushers in a liberal leader and tells people to shut up and not question them, and that if they do they are being “bad”, you know darn well that it is high time to sit up and start QUESTIONING double time!!!

  3. Nevin says:

    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [url=]coverage[/url]. 42 clergy present. Dr. Jim Simons calls for more “diversity”, which shows fruit in the welcomed presence of Integrity at the convention. Dean Werner gets elected to the Standing Committee. A Trinity grad gets ordained. It appears at least three parishes send delegates to both conventions. The Post Gazette violates the research embargo requested by Dr. Simons and reveals that the new assisting bishop is not orthodox and “favored measures that affirmed partnered gay people in the church”…

  4. Sarah1 says:

    Nevin — you’re right. What an amusing couple of paragraphs we have here:

    [blockquote]Our old culture would now start to throw stones. It would “Google” the Bishop’s name and begin to collect writings and voting records, it would be mistrustful and suspicious. It would dwell on the deficits and not the benefits. Perhaps some from whom we are separated will do this.

    We need to not do that. Rather, we need to trust that those who have been raised up to leadership have everyone’s best interest in mind and that this is not just a human answer to a situation but a godly one as well. We need to see this appointment as God’s
    way of moving us forward, to recognize it as another stone we gather in the rebuilding of our common life.”[/blockquote]

    Amusingly, I believe this is the same man who, while he urges everyone not to “cast stones” [which being translated here means “don’t do research on the bishop and discover that he’s a Flaming Revisionist”], puts “Lemmings” as one of his categories on his blog for those who have left TEC and engaged in a new Anglican entity.

    Simply priceless.

  5. libraryjim says:

    Do you buy a stock without checking its financial history or performance? Or invest in a company/corporation without checking its track record financially? Really????

    [b]NEVER[/b] trust anyone without question. That way leads to cult-like followings and only produces trouble.

    Whether a Presidential Candidate, Senator, Bishop or pastor/rector of your local church, they should not be afraid of questions or background checks. Even Jesus entertained questions from His ‘enemies’, and answered them without hesitation.

    Be very aware of anyone who comes from either the government or religion who says “You can trust me! I’m here to help!”

    Jim Elliott <>< Florida