Archbishop of Canterbury warns recession could fan race attacks

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, warned this week that the current financial climate could pave the way for increased xenophobia in the UK.

Speaking at the Christian-Muslim Forum at St Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, in an event discussing the current financial crisis, the Archbishop said that we needed to learn important lessons from history. In responding to a question he said: “I think we do ignore, at our peril, the very high risk which history should have taught us.”

He went on to say: “The very high risk of financial stringency could lead to political extremism. Anger finding its expression in xenophobia, prejudice, rivalry — all the tactics that both sociologists and psychologists remark on as the displacement of unease and fear.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Archbishop of Canterbury, England / UK, Islam, Other Faiths, Race/Race Relations, Religion & Culture

10 comments on “Archbishop of Canterbury warns recession could fan race attacks

  1. libraryjim says:

    “The very high risk of financial stringency could lead to political extremism. Anger finding its expression in xenophobia, prejudice, rivalry…”

    “Bitterness towards the government causing people to cling to their guns and religion and antipathy towards others who are not like themselves….”

    Are these guys hiring the same scriptwriters???

  2. azusa says:

    Sharia is the answer.

  3. Milton says:

    Well, Rowan Williams, what then is fanning the continuing Muslim attacks on Westerners in England and abroad, including your home town, Lambeth, being named the rape capital of Wales, with many of those rapes committed by Muslim males. Your Grace, I am sure you will also tell us racist Westerners how we have caused the continued abuse and sometimes murder of women abused by their Muslim husbands when they turn to the courts for protection, only to be turned back over to their abusers by deferring to Sharia law. I know we shouldn’t lose our heads over this. Too late for the wife of the Muslim TV exec in New York. He separated her head from her body a week or two ago. Perhaps he read up on Henry VIII?

  4. DonGander says:

    Now he is to join the race pimps, too!?!?

    I find it discusting. It is not only insulting to any christian audience, it is also insulting to most of the secular audience.

    What is the point of saying such things?


  5. JoePewSitter says:

    I wish ++Rowna would speak out so strongly aginast the attacks by TEC against the people from whom TEC has stolen the franchise and turned into a unitarian sect. That’s violence by anyone’s definition.

  6. Spiro says:

    With all honesty (and I really mean this), Centres for Peace and Reconciliation are danger to peace and reconciliation in the world today.

    These so-called “Centres for Peace and Reconciliation” are centers for propagating hatred and providing discord than accord. They are avenues where I-want-to-look-and-sound-good-liberal use for nonsensical and idiotic bashing of conservative and meaningful thoughts/ideas.

    If the ABC is really interested in “peace and reconciliation”, he ought to start from/at his own house. The Anglican Communion, under his watch and his leadership needs all the peace and reconciliation in the world. But nothing meaning is coming from the ABC.

    +++Rowan, your house is on fire. Don’t you think Charity ought to begin at home?

    The ABC is aware (but is doing nothing) of a band of heartless adversarial woman in purple and oven mitt, and her attorneys from 815, supported (actively or passively) by their franchisees (sorry, diocesan bishops) in North America have declare war on godly men and women who simply want to be left alone to love and serve the Lord as our forbearers did, and EXPECTED us to continue same.

    “Centre for Peace and Reconciliation”? What peace? What reconciliation?
    Give me a break!

    Fr. Kingsley+
    Arlington, Texas.

  7. John Wilkins says:

    There a correlation between intolerance and a contracting economy. Ben Friedman notes it in his book “the moral consequences of economic growth.”

    I’m sure there are bad muslims and bad Christians and bad people of all stripes. Competition for resources exacerbates religious and ethnic tension.

  8. Spiro says:

    Meant to say: “A band, led by a heartless adversarial woman in purple and oven mitt, and her attorneys from 815….. have declared war on godly men and women….”

    The ABC may spend the rest of his life delivering speeches at Centres for Peace and Reconciliation all the world, but that is NOT going to bring any peace.

    In the absence of truth, there is no peace and reconciliation. Period.

    Fr. Kingsley+

  9. Newbie Anglican says:

    Calling for beheading “the enemies of Islam” kinda encourages bad feelings, too, doncha think?

  10. robroy says:

    Recently there was a nurse that lost her job for offering to pray for a patient. I believe that ++Sentamu and +Nazir-Ali spoke out against this. Did Rowan defend his flock?