Notable and Quotable (II)

The times demand Christian courage. These days, courage means that preachers and Christian leaders must set an agenda for biblical confrontation, and not shrink from dealing with the full range of issues related to homosexuality. We must talk about what the Bible teaches about gender”“what it means to be a man or a woman. We must talk about God’s gift of sex and the covenant of marriage. And we must talk honestly about what homosexuality is, and why God has condemned this sin as an abomination in His sight.

Courage is far too rare in many Christian circles. This explains the surrender of so many denominations, seminaries, and churches to the homosexual agenda. But no surrender on this issue would have been possible, if the authority of Scripture had not already been undermined.

And yet, even as courage is required, the times call for another Christian virtue as well”“compassion. The tragic fact is that every congregation is almost certain to include persons struggling with homosexual desire or even involved in homosexual acts. Outside the walls of the church, homosexuals are waiting to see if the Christian church has anything more to say, after we declare that homosexuality is a sin.

Liberal churches have redefined compassion to mean that the church changes its message to meet modern demands. They argue that to tell a homosexual he is a sinner is uncompassionate and intolerant. This is like arguing that a physician is intolerant because he tells a patient she has cancer. But, in the culture of political correctness, this argument holds a powerful attraction.

Biblical Christians know that compassion requires telling the truth, and refusing to call sin something sinless. To hide or deny the sinfulness of sin is to lie, and there is no compassion in such a deadly deception. True compassion demands speaking the truth in love”“and there is the problem. Far too often, our courage is more evident than our compassion.

Dr. Albert Mohler

Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Baptists, Other Churches, Pastoral Theology, Sexuality Debate (Other denominations and faiths), Theology

2 comments on “Notable and Quotable (II)

  1. Choir Stall says:

    Yes indeed. The Church of the New Thing rolls on. General Convention will try to sell this pseudoChristian social concept as the Gospel. Yet, what ARE the real profits and losses already associated with the leadership of revisionists? The Nat Cat had to close the Cathedral College because of squandered opportunities (remember the 1 million + spent on the 100th anniversary?) Local churches are languishing because of unfocused priests – priests who have too much time on their hands and run part-time antique shops while their churches close:

    This priest (Rev. Kanour) runs such an antique shop near Afton, Virginia, along with her female “partner”. Meanwhile her church went into ruins. But…but…they were socially active, involved in justice ministries, and did all kinds of good works in the neighborhood….everything was done, it appears, except to “go and MAKE disciples…”.
    So…why is the NEW THING going to be endorsed even further at GC ’09?

  2. Choir Stall says:


    Being on moderation this long? Come on….
    I’ve seen FAR, FAR worse just passed over. What gives?