A National Catholic Register Editorial: Thank You, Father

As the Year for Priests begins, we lay editors of the Register want to take a moment to thank priests.

We want to thank not only the priests who have been our friends, but also those we barely knew, who did more for us than our friends ever could.

We want to thank not only the priests who inspire us with their words, but also those who moved us more deeply with the daily work of their priesthood than they ever could with words.

We want to thank not only those men who gave up their retirement, and their well-deserved rest, to enter the priesthood as late vocations, but also ”” especially ”” those who as young men saw their whole life ahead of them and handed all of it to Christ.

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Roman Catholic

One comment on “A National Catholic Register Editorial: Thank You, Father

  1. CofS says:

    Amen and Amen!
    I had to laugh at the part about the young children seeing priests as celebrities. My little granddaughter, who is three, recently pointed to the Pastor at our church, tugged on her mother’s arm and whispered to her, “There’s Jesus!”