A Youtube Video Introducing the Upcoming Anglican Church in North America Assembly


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Proposed Formation of a new North American Province, ACNA Inaugural Assembly June 2009, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Common Cause Partnership

5 comments on “A Youtube Video Introducing the Upcoming Anglican Church in North America Assembly

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    I like it. I’m glad that this brief video clip puts the emphasis not on how far we’ve come, as if this was the end of a long, hard journey, but on the fact that the official launch of the ACNA is just the beginning of a whole new chapter in Anglican history on this continent.

    I’m also glad the YouTube clip includes Georgette Forney, the remarkably gifted and effective lay woman who leads Anglicans For Life, as all the other speakers were men, and ordained men at that.

    The tone is upbeat, but not proud or triumphalistic. Very appropriate. A new baby is about to be born, and that’s a tremendous cause for rejoicing. Thanks be to God.

    David Handy+

  2. frdarin says:

    Ditto, Fr. Handy.
    I’m packing for Bedford this afternoon. See you there, I hope.

    Fr. Darin Lovelace+
    St. David’s Anglican Church
    Durant, Iowa

  3. Dee in Iowa says:

    God speed Fr. Darin……

  4. Cennydd says:

    Although I can’t be there as planned, I will certain watch the proceedings via AnglicanTV. I have been involved in the process of Anglican revival for the past six years, I’ve eagerly awaited this launching of a new Church.

    May God be praised!

  5. State of Limbo says:

    I am praying for all of you and watching in anticipation! May you all have safe journeys, to and from the Assembly. And may you have a powerful indwelling of the Holy Spirit as you make this historic move.
