Catholics are humbled by the stories of former Anglicans who were faced with a decision and stepped out in faith to join the Catholic Church, said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston.
“The Catholic Church understands and appreciates the sacrifices made by former Anglican clergy and laity who have made the journey as individuals or as communities to full communion with the Catholic Church,” he said June 12.
“Truly, Rome is home and a place of abiding in our pilgrimage to the father,” noted the cardinal in a keynote address at the 2009 Anglican Use Conference in Houston.
They really should thank TEC. Otherwise, without its help, this never would have happened.
From the article …
“[i]the Anglican-use Mass follows the same order as the Latin-rite Mass. [b]Old English[/b] is used throughout, and most of the Mass, including the readings, is sung.[/i]”
Old English …? Huh ?
#2 I caught that too! Somehow I doubt Old or even Middle English is being used in the liturgy 😉
“The Lord Beo wulf you”
[Comment deleted by Elf]
I know you mean it ironically, Br. Michael, but at both ordinations of former Episcopalians to the Catholic priesthood, the bishop formally thanked the Episcopal Church for the graces nurtured in these men under their Anglican Orders.