Notable and Quotable (II)

“It started on a very casual basis — run things by each other,” he said.
He felt as if he had found a confidant.
“When you live in the zone of politics, you can’t ever let your guard down. You can’t ever say, ‘What do you think, what do you think?’ There was this zone of protectiveness. She lived thousands of miles away, and I was up here, and you could throw an idea out and vise versa.
“We developed a remarkable friendship over those eight years. About a year ago, it sparked into something more than that.”

South Carolina’s Governor this week in his explanation of the affair.This was also quoted in this morning’s sermon by yours truly–KSH.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * South Carolina, Marriage & Family, Politics in General, State Government

3 comments on “Notable and Quotable (II)

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    As I noted this morning, if you listened closely to what was being said, Mark Sanford was saying he was lonely. He didn’t have anyone to talk to.

    Truly Sad.

  2. CBH says:

    Yes, so sad. In my own experience that loneliness was my soul’s search for God. Once I followed it, I’ve never been lonely again. If Mark will only make that goal to be his first, the others will fall into place, and there will be forgiveness and joy he hasn’t known. It is not up to me to punish him, but it is up to me to pray for him.

  3. Sidney says:

    Of course, if having somebody to talk to was all that mattered, the governor could have found an UNattractive woman to talk to – on average, they’re more interesting conversationalists than the attractive ones.