Jack Cranwell Chimes In

From here:

I read a recent letter referring to the turmoil in our Episcopal Church and respect the writer’s sincere thoughts and knowledge of our heritage. However, it seems we’ve gone around this block before, and as we all know, the whole world is in turmoil.

We as a church have turned our back on our basic foundational teaching, such as the 39 articles of religion. We have been called to change the world, but it appears the world has changed us.

We in the Diocese of South Carolina have a brilliant, devoted bishop who is calling all of us to pray for our church. The Rt. Rev. Mark Lawrence, bishop of South Carolina, has as much spiritual maturity as most leaders in the Anglican Communion. I urge all Episcopalians to take his lead and pray for the future of our church. As believers we should pray daily for President Barack Obama and the future of America.

Gin House Court

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * South Carolina, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts