Presiding bishop defends Episcopal Church direction in Wyoming

Anglicans have never claimed to base their decisions solely on the Bible, [Katharine] Jefferts Schori said. “We start there, but that’s not the only piece we bring to our decision-making.”

The few biblical passages about same-sex relationships may be talking about exploitive relationships, she said. “Jesus doesn’t say anything about same-sex relationships of the kind the church is talking about.”

Jefferts Schori also drew fire during and after the General Convention for her sermon denouncing “the great Western heresy” that people can be saved as individuals. Salvation happens within a community, she said.

She defended herself on Friday.

“People took it out of context,” Jefferts Schori said. “You can’t be in a right relationship with God without being in a right relationship with your neighbor.”

But she declined to say people can’t be in a right relationship with God without being in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, she said. “God is at work in the lives of people who are not consciously Christian.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Christology, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, Presiding Bishop, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), Theology, Theology: Scripture

14 comments on “Presiding bishop defends Episcopal Church direction in Wyoming

  1. Br. Franklin says:

    “Jesus doesn’t say anything about same-sex relationships of the kind the church is talking about.”


  2. RalphM says:

    The few biblical passages about same-sex relationships may be talking about exploitive relationships, she said. “Jesus doesn’t say anything about same-sex relationships of the kind the church is talking about.”

    It’s amazing that she is still trotting out that lame comment. Does she think the folks in Wyoming are stupid?

  3. Ken Peck says:

    Jesus doesn’t say anything about Ponzi schemes. So they must be O.K. too.

    Jesus doesn’t say anything about pedophiles. So that must alright as well.

    Jesus doesn’t say anything about sex with sheep. So that’s fine.

    Jesus does say something about lawsuits, though.

  4. Choir Stall says:

    Jesus never stopped a thief in the act, but He was surely in agreement with the Commandment about not stealing. He never ran up to a idolater and smashed idols, but He was surely against worshipping false gods. He never did a door to door inspection about covetousness, but I’m sure that He agreed with the Command against coveting. But..HE DID PARTICIPATE IN A MARRIAGE…and HE DID SAY “FOR THIS REASON” shall a man and woman become one.
    So…according to the current powers that be, what does one do next?

  5. Randy Muller says:

    Dear Katherine: Jesus is Lord, despite what you say about such statements.

  6. A Senior Priest says:

    Poor Mrs Schori. She self-evidently doesn’t believe it’s right that she must reap what she has sown.

  7. New Reformation Advocate says:

    When I read this sort of utter nonsense coming the PB, and worse than that her scandalous, heretical nonsense, I’m left to wonder how long people in the pews can remain oblivious to the seriousness of it. It brings to mind the lament of Psalm 13, “How long, O LORD?”

    Then I think about the fact that she was elected in the summer of 2006 to a nine year term. She still has six more long years to go. You have to wonder, how much more of her insanity can the faithful in the pews take? Or her fellow bishops, who have to pick up the pieces and deal with the mayhem, imploding finances, and falling attendance she has left in her disastrous wake.

    How do you impeach a PB anyway??

    David Handy+

  8. The Lakeland Two says:

    #7 – How do you impeach a PB anyway?

    Considering how TEC refused to get rid of previous errant bishops and the voting records of the current HOB, the chances of bringing charges against much less impeaching the current PB are less than a snowball’s chance in hell. Who would have the guts to come up against “Thank you for renouncing your orders” Schori?

    But it’s a nice thought.

  9. A Senior Priest says:

    Why would anyone want to impeach she who is called Presiding Bishop? She is absolutely the very best advertisement of all for orthodox Anglicanism.

  10. Doug Martin says:

    We charge bishops, all bishops, with the interpretation of scripture. And by golly this is one job they take to heart.

  11. Intercessor says:

    #7 – How do you impeach a PB anyway?
    You don’t…God will.

  12. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Ah, but eisegesis is not exegesis. The bishops are to defend the Faith not make it the vehicle of their personal aberrations – except in the General Convention Church where they must submit to the GC, that is.

  13. Carolina Anglican says:

    It is amazing how incompetent she is and incoherent in her arguments.

  14. Ralph says:

    Ummm. Folks, the PB says, “Jesus doesn’t say anything about same-sex relationships of the kind the church is talking about.”

    Take a look at Matt 15:19, and Mark 7:21-22. The term porneia (sexual immorality) is certainly inclusive of homosexual practice.

    (Sorry for the duplicate of an SF post, but don’t let her bamboozle you on the word “porneia.” Use a good lexicon. Work through it. It’s God speaking to fellow Jews who know exactly what the Torah says about sexual morals. Don’t let a revisionist deconstruct and rebuild the word porneia to mean whatever she wants it to mean.)