Gloom Spreads on Economy, WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds

Americans are growing increasingly pessimistic about the economy after a mild upswing of attitudes in September. But Republicans haven’t been able to profit politically from the economic gloom, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

The survey found a country in a decidedly negative mood, nearly a year after the election of President Obama. For the first time during the Obama presidency, a majority of Americans sees the country as being on the wrong track.

Fifty-eight percent of those polled say the economic slide still has a ways to go, up from 52% in September and back to the level of pessimism expressed in July. Only 29% said the economy had “pretty much hit bottom,” down from 35% last month.

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Consumer/consumer spending, Economy, Housing/Real Estate Market, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market, Personal Finance

4 comments on “Gloom Spreads on Economy, WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds

  1. Fr. Dale says:

    If the Republican Party were a football team, I’d say they were the Detroit Lions (I’m a Lion fan). Their only win so far this year was Obama winning the presidency. Eventually he and the Democrats will foul their own nest and hopefully, the Republicans (like the Lions) will find some impact players and have a better season next year. Currently there is no talent on the roster. Right now the Democrats are proving what Will Rodgers once said. “I don’t belong to an organized political party, I’m a Democrat.

  2. palagious says:

    Doubling the national debt, record deficits, stimulus without apparent results, worsening of unemployment, focus on liberal fringe politics, dithering on his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief, not to mention a unaffordable and unwanted healthcare initiative.

    What’s not to like.

  3. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    Yet, for all that, the Republicrats can still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory if they continue to race to the left themselves. The Rockefeller Republicrats are far worse IMHO. The nation is conservative by nature and getting more so. We need a party that will actually represent the people. I don’t know if we will get one, but a viable third party would be really helpful. The R/D tag team is a disaster for the average citizen. I cast my first vote for Reagan and had been a life long Republican until this last election cycle.

    I am furious with the Republicans for abandoning conservativism. I have no intentions of ever voting for a “Republican” again, unless that candidate is an actual conservative. The Democrats are just living out their socialism, and no surprise.

  4. Sarah says:

    Word to Sick & Tired. I heartily agree.