Melanie Phillips: Al Qaeda in Africa

There has been general shock at the attempted downing of Northwest Airlines flight 253 over Detroit. It isn’t just that yet another aeroplane terrorist atrocity was averted only by luck and courage after US and British intelligence were caught with their pants down once again. Nor is it just the lax airport security.

No, the real amazement has been that the perpetrator, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is a Nigerian who apparently got his orders from al-Qa’eda in Yemen; that the genesis of the pants bomber’s radical journey lies not in Iraq or Afghanistan, nor in Israel/Palestine, but in Africa.

It was while at school in Togo that Abdulmutallab reportedly adopted the most belligerent version of Islam. As a fully fledged Islamic extremist, he was naturally received with open arms in Londonistan, where he was further radicalised to terrorism before being kitted out in Yemen with the latest accessories of mass murder.

He is first and foremost a religious fanatic ”” and the crucial context for his extremism is Africa.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Africa, Islam, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture, Terrorism

7 comments on “Melanie Phillips: Al Qaeda in Africa

  1. Cennydd says:

    Let there be no mistake: Islam extremists are engaged in a global war against us, and to deny this is a terrible mistake. [b]THERE IS NOTHING PEACEFUL ABOUT ISLAM[/b], regardless of what their apologists may say. The extremists have gained the upper hand in Islam; [b]THEY ARE IN CONTROL[/b]. The moderates have been shoved into a corner, and they have been murdered for daring to speak out about the excesses committed “in the name of Allah.”

    We dare not let our guard down……not for one instant! Is our growing reluctance to pay the cost of containing militant Islam in South Asia going to cost more innocent lives? You bet it will! Will it only encourage more slaughter? Yes! Remember this: According to the Islamic militants, there are no innocents among non-Muslims!

  2. Br. Michael says:

    Then there is this:

    [blockquote]More jarring still were Obama’s references to the terrorist as a “suspect” who “allegedly tried to ignite an explosive device.” You can hear the echo of FDR: “Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — Japanese naval and air force suspects allegedly bombed Pearl Harbor.”

    Obama reassured the nation that this “suspect” had been charged. Reassurance? The president should be saying: We have captured an enemy combatant — an illegal combatant under the laws of war: no uniform, direct attack on civilians — and now to prevent future attacks, he is being interrogated regarding information he may have about al-Qaeda in Yemen.

    Instead, Abdulmutallab is dispatched to some Detroit-area jail and immediately lawyered up. At which point — surprise! — he stops talking.[/blockquote]

    If Obama continues to treat this war as a criminal matter, then he is a fool or worse and the people he is charged with protecting are going to get killed.

  3. wportbello says:

    According to Modern Ghana, the father of the terrorist who attempted to blow up the Northwest flight:

    [blockquote]Like all of the muslim Northern Nigerian leaders, DR. Mutallab the father of the terrorist who is now shedding crocodile tears because he is one of the leaders who groom the Wahabism in Nigeria. Alhaji Dr. Mutallab the father also groomed Sharia law in Katsina State, Alhaji DR. Mutallab Groom Sharia in Kaduna State,Alhaji Dr. Mutallab groomed Sharia in Kano State, Most of the extremism Ulama in Northern Muslim Nigeria are benefactors of Alhaji Mutallab, Dr. Mutallab groomed extreme Muslim businesses in Saudi Arabia,[/blockquote]

    They reported that the father was trying to protect his own ability to travel freely and enjoy the fruits and access to the west. His son’s activities are the fruits of his labor.

  4. Cennydd says:

    No surprises here. Islamists have been practicing deception for centuries. The watchword in dealing with them is “WATCH YOUR BACK.”

  5. Cennydd says:

    And trust none of them.

  6. Cennydd says:

    And of course, it’s the American taxpayer who has to foot the bill for this terrorist’s defense. But I suppose that’s the price of living in a nation of laws, which guarantees everyone a fair trial. This still begs the question of whether or not his intended victims would’ve received fair trials in an Islamic court, had they been accused of the same crime. They certainly would receive swift punishment.