South Carolina House overwhelmingly passes mark Sanford censure

For the first time in South Carolina history, the House of Representatives has censured a governor.

The House voted 102-11 on Wednesday to formally rebuke Gov. Mark Sanford for dereliction of duties, official misconduct and abuse of power when he traveled in June 2008 and June 2009 to see his mistress in Argentina.

Sanford also was condemned by the House for a handful of trips he took on state aircraft for alleged personal and political reasons.

Sanford brought “ridicule, dishonor, shame and disgrace to himself, the state of South Carolina and to its citizens,” according to the censure resolution. The censure serves no practical purpose other than to formally rebuke Sanford.

Rewad it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, * South Carolina, Ethics / Moral Theology, Politics in General, State Government, Theology

3 comments on “South Carolina House overwhelmingly passes mark Sanford censure

  1. DeeBee says:

    Uh, “Rewad it all”? Interesting Sreudian Flip that . . . 😉

  2. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Great! Now everybody will remember I”m from SC and ask about this dipwad again. Way to go, Sanford! Resign.

  3. ZachariahO says:

    It is really shameful for the people with given authorities to be abusive on it. Just like the power we are giving on the sportsmen. If the allegations are indeed true, not only should University of South Florida have had [url=]Jim Leavitt fired[/url], he should probably be prosecuted as well. But can we do that to Sanford? However, this guy is getting off the hook – so just because he is in the House of the Representatives the law doesn’t apply – how dumb is that?