NBC's Tom Brokaw Feature on Gander, Newfoundland after 9/11/01

This is a good description of the lovely piece that aired Saturday and which I happened to catch by accident. It moved me to tears. I am stunned that NBC does not have it on their webiste. Did any other blog readers happen to catch it–KSH?

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Canada, Media, Movies & Television, Terrorism

7 comments on “NBC's Tom Brokaw Feature on Gander, Newfoundland after 9/11/01

  1. Chris says:

    it was very good but this story has been covered before, on multiple occasions, here is one example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxaxrlusQC8

    and Gander was one of several locales in Canada that took on this task, see here for the scale of what happened: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Yellow_Ribbon

  2. trimom says:

    We did see it and were overwhelmed with the out right goodness of people caring for complete strangers, and the gratitude of those being cared for in return. What a lovely piece….

  3. Katherine says:

    We saw it, also by accident, and it was lovely. We were in tears at several points. Also important for us were the news clips at the beginning, with photos of the WTC towers burning and collapsing, and same-day news coverage. We were not in the country on that day and missed the national experience. I don’t think these images should be on TV every day, but on the other hand their near-outlawing allows us to forget more quickly.

  4. elanor says:

    My husband and I watched this, and were enthralled. I’d almost changed the channel, because I didn’t have the heart to watch those towers fall again, but they quickly moved the story from the horror to the hope. After the story concluded, I immediately moved to the computer to see just where it is — kind of at the ends of the earth, and a bit hard to get to from our New England home, but it sure sounds like about the nicest place to visit!

  5. David Wilson says:

    I thought it was marvelous. And the women who established the scholarship — what a lasting legacy for that town. I found myself wiping my eyes as well.

  6. Crazy Canuck says:

    I grew up in Grand Falls-Windsor, only an hour drive from Gander and was there during the 9/11 events. I live in Tennessee now but it was heart warming (and heart wrenching at the same time) to see this story. Does anyone know where to find a copy of this documentary? This is one worth keeping.

  7. ProudCanadian says:

    Came across your site and thought you and your readers might want to see the link the Gander piece which is now online

