In Fla. Representatives of different religions come together for an interfaith panel discussion

When it comes to religion, people of faith are passionate about their beliefs, and at times, that passion can lead to conflicts with others of different religions.

However, sometimes with understanding can come peace.

With that idea in mind, the Solo Flight Singles Group of New Covenant United Methodist Church decided to host an event that would promote peace and understanding between faiths.

The group gathered together representatives from five different faiths ”” Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish and Christian ”” for an interfaith panel discussion at the church Tuesday evening.

“I think it’s important that we try to understand everyone,” said Bev Diaz, coordinator of the event. “We’re all coming to realize the world is getting smaller. We’re coming into contact with more faiths, and to have more peace, we need to understand and tolerate each other.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Adult Education, Inter-Faith Relations, Methodist, Other Churches, Parish Ministry

One comment on “In Fla. Representatives of different religions come together for an interfaith panel discussion

  1. upnorfjoel says:

    “The first question was how each faith views love and respect.”
    The report does not state how Imam Sykes answered that question. Is there a muslim, or someone else following this post that can give a credible answer?