Time Magazine on Anne Lamott's latest book: Tough Love

“I write everything as a wake-up call,” she says. “To myself and others, to anyone who may have gotten tired of hitting the snooze button.” Imperfect Birds is a well-informed wake-up call. Lamott is a recovering alcoholic, sober since 1986, and has just ushered her son Sam through his high school years in a bohemian enclave of Marin where drugs are there for the asking. Kids who remind her of Rosie are everywhere she turns. On this Sunday morning, she has just returned from a hike to the ocean, where she watched a search-and-rescue team look for a 17-year-old girl from Mill Valley who disappeared during an overnight party with her friends. Inside St. Andrew, Lamott’s beloved church, she offers prayers for the search. Later that day, the girl is found in the Pacific, dead.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, Books, Children, Drugs/Drug Addiction, Marriage & Family, Teens / Youth