McClatchy–Roman Catholic Church lacks enough pastors

The pews are packed at many Catholic churches, but a scarcity of priests is leaving even some of the biggest parishes short-staffed and scrambling for help from retired and visiting clergy.

Recent examples aren’t hard to find:

–Just one full-time priest for months at 13,000-member St. Gabriel in Cotswold, N.C.

–A pastor’s heart-bypass operation, with complications, that left 14,000-member St. Mark in Huntersville, N.C., struggling to find substitutes to celebrate Mass.

–A sanctuary so crowded on Ash Wednesday that a parishioner at St. Matthew in Charlotte, where two priests serve a flock of 28,000, called the fire marshal.

Why not just build more churches? Not enough priests to staff them.

Read it all.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Ministry of the Ordained, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Roman Catholic

One comment on “McClatchy–Roman Catholic Church lacks enough pastors

  1. Timothy says:

    Good problem to have. Church growing faster than priests can be developed. We have a similar problem here in Arkansas. The Catholic population has zoomed from 5% of the population to just over 10% in a decade. The number of men in seminary has already doubled, but the pipeline is 8 years long. Unlike past decades when seminarians were white europeans, most seminarians are now hispanic with southeast asians equalling white europeans.