RNS–Legal skirmish colors National Day of Prayer

As Rep. Randy Forbes sees it, the decision by a Wisconsin federal judge that the law creating a National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional is little more than one person’s opinion.

Millions of Americans, Forbes said, think otherwise.

“That’s not what the Constitution says,” the Virginia Republican declared Wednesday (April 21), surrounded by other members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus. “That’s what one unelected judge says the Constitution says.”

On Thursday (April 22), the Justice Department said it would appeal the decision, capping a week of political uproar from conservatives after Judge Barbara Crabb of Madison, Wis., issued her April 15 ruling.

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Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Law & Legal Issues, Office of the President, Politics in General, President Barack Obama, Religion & Culture, Spirituality/Prayer