French Preschools Aim To Please Toddlers, Moms

[ELEANOR] BEARDSLEY: In France, 100 percent of three, four and five-year-olds attend preschool. So everyone starts first grade on an equal footing. While the French do recognize problems with many aspects of their education system, ecole maternelle is held in high regard. It is one of the cherished symbols of the French Republic, embodying both equal treatment for all and the emancipation of women.

Chicago-native Barbara Legron(ph) says she has been able to work full-time with no worries since her daughter Natasha began attending ecole maternelle.

Ms. BARBARA LEGRON: I was very skeptical at first, to send her there for basically all day. But eventually as the year went on, I realized that she was learning so much. I mean, she was teaching me rhymes, French nursery rhymes that I should’ve been teaching her. So she’s having a good time, she’s learning and she’s with other kids, so she’s playing. And I can’t really compete with that, even though I’m the mom.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Children, Education, Europe, France, Marriage & Family

2 comments on “French Preschools Aim To Please Toddlers, Moms

  1. Vatican Watcher says:

    A woman who believes she can’t beat the state in raising her child is already herself beaten. No wonder she believes it..

  2. eulogos says:

    100%? There aren’t any home-schooling parents? There aren’t any stay at home mothers who don’t WANT their kids in preschool?