Central Wisconsin Episcopal churches mull regional ministry options

Facing an uncertain future, seven Episcopal parishes in central Wisconsin are exploring a regional approach to ministry designed to provide stability for each congregation.

All seven congregations are staring at aging and shrinking memberships and declining financial resources. Only two have full-time priests.

Many of the specifics haven’t even been discussed yet. But the regional ministry would afford each congregation more access to a priest — parishioners in some of the smaller ones now receive the Eucharist only two or three times a month — with churches sharing a priest and making more use of retired clergy in the area. The regional ministry also could pool financial and human resources, which could help save money in the long run.

Read the whole article.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry, TEC Parishes

One comment on “Central Wisconsin Episcopal churches mull regional ministry options

  1. TomRightmyer says:

    A lot of work has been done on regional ministries. They require lots of prayer and work by all concerned, but can be effective if the lay and lay leadership want them to be. I’d suggest a five year committment by all concerned is a good first step.