Methodist Bishop Will Willimon–Measurable growth in our numbers for Professions of Faith/Baptism!

The ten year average for POF is 2638. We have surpassed the ten year average over the past two years. Among most Conferences, the goal is simply to slow the decline. North Alabama has dared to pray for more. And it is deeply gratifying to see visible evidence of the Holy Spirit moving among us. Behind every one of these numbers is a family reached, a person saved, a soul that is welcomed and included into the family of faith. And behind every number is a congregation and a pastor who is not threatened by our Wesleyan ethos of accountability and growth but is excited that we are focused on “the main thing” ”“ salvation of the world in Jesus Christ.

“You only count what is important and whatever you count becomes important,” says one of our slogans. By counting every week the new life that God gives us, we are making that new life the engine that is driving our church life. Not content to care for the needs of who is already there, our churches are reaching out to those who are not.

Take a look.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Baptism, Evangelism and Church Growth, Methodist, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Sacramental Theology, Theology

One comment on “Methodist Bishop Will Willimon–Measurable growth in our numbers for Professions of Faith/Baptism!

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    I was surprised and disappointed not to see comments on this. Here is a bishop trying to grow the church. Praise God! And did anyone catch the reaction?