CNS–Pope meets with schoolchildren, offers a lesson on sainthood

In a rousing encounter with some 4,000 schoolchildren, Pope Benedict XVI asked them to make friendship with God the center of their lives.

“We need to have the courage to place our deepest hopes in God alone, not in money, in a career, in worldly success or in our relationships with others, but in God. Only he can satisfy the deepest needs of our hearts,” the pope said Sept. 17 in Twickenham, a suburb of London.

He spoke to a cheering crowd of Catholic students who filled a soccer field next to St. Mary’s University College, and via Internet to the more than 800,000 young people who followed the event from their classrooms at Catholic schools throughout Great Britain.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Children, Education, England / UK, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic

2 comments on “CNS–Pope meets with schoolchildren, offers a lesson on sainthood

  1. DonGander says:

    “We need to have the courage to place our deepest hopes in God alone, not in money, in a career, in worldly success or in our relationships with others, but in God. Only he can satisfy the deepest needs of our hearts,” the pope said.

    I wish the ABC would say a something like that.


  2. Paula Loughlin says:

    He may have. But without a translator handy who would know?