A Christianity Today Editorial–The Next Christian Response to Islam

Debate over the so-called Ground Zero mosque, followed by the inflammatory press attention paid to Pastor Terry Jones’s threat to burn Qur’ans on September 11, has stirred an excess of angst over the Muslim presence in America. Opportunists have exploited that anxiety for political advantage. The overheated debate may be moot: while the legal standing of the planned Muslim community center is solid, its financing is reportedly shaky.

What is not settled is the place of Muslims in American society. Anxiety about Islam has spread in response to proposed mosques in Wisconsin, California, and Tennessee, where an arsonist set construction equipment ablaze. Muslims who wish to build places of prayer meet resistance, both violent and verbal. How should American Christians respond?…

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Evangelicals, Inter-Faith Relations, Islam, Muslim-Christian relations, Other Churches, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

8 comments on “A Christianity Today Editorial–The Next Christian Response to Islam

  1. JustOneVoice says:

    If the government and groups like the ACLU quit attacking Christianity, it might make it easier for Muslims.

  2. Richard Hoover says:

    How do the best and tolerant turn-the-other-cheek Christians, and Americans, deal, for example, with sharia law, as it applies to polygami, honor killings, divorce, and other traditions of keeping order in the home? It appears that such legal defenses have been advanced, ad granted, in American courts (before being overturned, on appeal) and have been granted by courts in the UK?

  3. Richard Hoover says:

    Sorry, made a mess of the foregoing. Rather: How do these tolerant turn-the-cheek Christians and Americans deal, for example, with sharia law as it advances polygamy, honor killings, divorce and other Islamic traditions of keeping order in the home? It appears that such legal defenses, based on sharia, have been advanced and granted by American courts (before being overturned on appeal) and have already been granted by courts in the UK. Where/when do these Christian advocats stand up and draw a line? Or, do they happily see the United States turning into a country based upon multi-legal systems– all, I suppose, in the interest of understanding and toleration?

  4. Lutheran-MS says:

    All Muslims have a goal whether they are open about it, by stealth, or by terror to turn the U.S. into a Islamic country. People should read what Muslims have to say. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Islam is a complete religious, military and political system.

  5. Dale Rye says:

    All loyal Americans have a goal, too, to uphold our constitutional system of government. So, if you don’t like the First Amendment and you want federal, state, and local governments to favor Christian institutions and activities over those of other faiths, you are welcome to offer amendments to repeal that amendment like we repealed the Eighteenth.

    If you don’t think the public will support that, then you have a few other choices: let the government operate without religious tests as the current text of the Constitution demands, exercise your right of civil disobedience and go to jail, or emigrate to some other country that respects your values. Sadly, General Franco died a few years back, but Russia has been pretty good lately about supporting Orthodoxy while suppressing minority faiths.

  6. NoVA Scout says:

    No. 3, as one who probably would strike you as being inadequately alarmed about Muslims in our midst, I’ll share with you my approach to Sharia law: I don’t follow it. It seems to work rather well.

  7. Larry Morse says:

    Dale is a right in theory. We MUST believe. But in practice, the Muslim world has made a whole host of enemies, and the Muslims in the US have TALKED, but have not acted forcibly to reject the aggression inherent in Islam. Now, everyone knows that Mohammad himself was a raider, and this attitude has been perpetuated through the centuries. It makes no practical difference what the Koran does or does not say. The posture remains, and the evidence is overwhelming. The rising pressure against Islam in the US will be counteracted only when Muslims declare themselves as enemies of the jihad and agree that all such Moslems, when discovered, wikll be turned over to the law. They must promise and then act to root out their own poisoned plants. But they have not done this, and the results of this failure must be expected. Larry

  8. Scott K says:

    This is an excellent artcle by CT.