Rick Ezell: Five Significant Facts about Church and First”“Time Guests

Healthy and growing churches pay close attention not only to their members but also to those who are not yet a part of the flock. New people are the lifeblood of a growing church. We want to ensure that nothing impairs or cuts off the flow of new people to the church.

[Parish clergy]… need to be aware of five significant facts about first-time guests looking for a church home….

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, Evangelism and Church Growth, Ministry of the Laity, Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry, Pastoral Care

8 comments on “Rick Ezell: Five Significant Facts about Church and First”“Time Guests

  1. Pb says:

    Out rector is in the church prior to the service and he makes the rounds greeting folks and meeting guests. I think this is effective. It is done so as not to interrupt those who are preparing for worship, usually darn few. It looks like we care and we do.

  2. InChristAlone says:

    Unfortunately this article is very accurate, especially the part about most churches think they are welcoming, but end up only being welcoming to their friends. I’ve found this through first hand experience, especially while at college. The pastors would come and encourage the students who were interested in churches already to come visit their ‘college-student-friendly’ churches, but then I only ever met people when I went up and introduced myself.

  3. julia says:

    pb — it’s not the rector’s job. In fact, guests are often intimidated if the guy/gal with the collar corner them. This is the job of the laity. I attended a church while on vacation recently and everyone who saw me greeted me. It was just the culture of the place. I will go back there when I am again visiting in the area.

  4. Pb says:

    #3 I totally agree and was afraid I would be misunderstood. It is an excellent way to model what we should do and beats praying up in a room before the service. This church has a membership of 1800 and only two priests. The rector is doing a good job.

  5. Lutheran-MS says:

    There is nothing in the article about what the most important reason for going to church. That is is to hear about Christ and what He did for us on the cross. Also the pastor/priest to preach Law and Gospel sermons. It is not about coffee bars, or how many programs that the church has for all their social needs.

  6. Rev. Patti Hale says:

    #5 Well said! Generally, the matters presented here are important and helpful for congregations to take seriously. But the Church isn’t Target or K-mart NOR should we aspire to be.

  7. lostdesert says:

    #5 You are spot on. Just changed churches, left TEC months ago and now in new (non-TEC) church. Folks are wonderful, pastor is really great, but I go back because I finally hear words of scriptural authority, not about how great our food pantry is doing, pantires being nice stuff, but when this pastor is through with his sermon which is always scripture based, there is no meat left on that bone. Love it.

  8. SCNCAnglican says:

    I think these 5 elements could apply to any civic club, restaurant, movie theater, amusement park, etc. How about the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and Word of God to transform lives and bring healing and renewal to people? Of course, we can’t manufacture that; it comes through prayer, sacrifice and suffering and then only by God’s grace.