(NY Times On Religion) Faith Was on Governor Pat Quinn’s Shoulder

Early on the morning of Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent’s season of penitence, Gov. Pat Quinn of Illinois went through some final, solitary rumination. For much of his political career, he had supported capital punishment, albeit with reservations, even debating it at the dinner table with his mother. Now a legislative bill abolishing it was waiting for his signature, or his veto.

In the preceding weeks, he had heard arguments on the subject from prosecutors who spoke of the death penalty’s deterrent effect and from the grieving relatives of murder victims who saw in it fierce justice. He had reacquainted himself with about 20 capital cases overturned by DNA evidence or tainted by judicial error.

But on that decisive morning of March 9, he laid aside the secular factors and opened his Bible to a passage in II Corinthians about human imperfection. He prayed. And when he signed the bill striking down the death penalty, he cited one influence by name: Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * Religion News & Commentary, Capital Punishment, Law & Legal Issues, Other Churches, Politics in General, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, State Government

2 comments on “(NY Times On Religion) Faith Was on Governor Pat Quinn’s Shoulder

  1. upnorfjoel says:

    “I think it’s indispensable,” Mr. Quinn said in a telephone interview this week. “When you’re elected and sworn into office, that oath really involves your whole life experience, your religious experience. You bring that to bear on all the issues.”
    Uh….except maybe for that little procedure called Abortion. Quinn must have missed those Sundays during his “religious experience”. If he’s going to talk about the potential for killing innocents, I don’t think he has a whole lot of credibility.

  2. TACit says:

    Ack! – it sounded good until the mention of Cardinal Bernardin. Said prelate left an unfortunate legacy in the US Church, which is now coming undone. He was probably not an influence we want to see politicians crediting: