A Profile of Diocese of Los Angeles Episcopal Priest Lynn Jay

…after almost 27 years of service to the church, and the Santa Clarita Valley, [the Rev. Canon Lynn] Jay will hold her last sermon July 31.

Her work with countless local charities ”” some she’s played pivotal roles in, such as the SCV Emergency Winter Shelter and the SCV Food Pantry ”” will likely leave a lasting mark in the community long after she steps down.

But perhaps just as memorable for parishioners is her quick wit and unique passion. Jay said she’ll stop a sermon mid-hymn to playfully chide a more impassioned verse from the choir. Sometimes, it’s something to the effect of, “Hey, if we can get two more good verses, I won’t make you guys sing the third,” she said.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry, TEC Parishes

One comment on “A Profile of Diocese of Los Angeles Episcopal Priest Lynn Jay

  1. Ian+ says:

    I think the writer must mean “She’ll stop a SERVICE mid-hymn.” but doesn’t understand that they’re not synonyms. Now and then, someone will tell me that she/he loved the service, but I get the impression that that person may actually mean the homily rather than the liturgy as a whole.