An Associated Press Story on the Mark Lawrence Election Consents

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * South Carolina, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops

6 comments on “An Associated Press Story on the Mark Lawrence Election Consents

  1. Bill C says:


    Is there any truth to the report that he agreed not to take the Diocese of SC out of ECUSA?

  2. Br_er Rabbit says:


    Is there any report whatsoever that he agreed not to take the Doicese of SC out of ECUSA?

  3. William Tighe says:

    I incurred a lot of ranting criticism over at Stand firm when I stated (as one of the reports there indicated) that *if* he had made any such commitment to do such a thing he would prove to be nothing more than an Episcopalian Quisling. I stand by that assertion — but I hope that it is not, in fact, true, and that he never made or would make such a reckless and unwise (as things stand now in ECUSA) committment.

    Also, will Dr. Schori be one of his consecrators, or will she stand aside in faovr of another bishop?

  4. Chris says:

    Does not the Standing Committe hold considerable (perhaps more?) sway over such things as leaving ECUSA? And as I stated on StandFirm, certainly +Mark is going to let parishes leave in amicable fashion if they really feel it necessary – much like the Plano TX church did.

  5. tjmcmahon says:

    “Also, will Dr. Schori be one of his consecrators, or will she stand aside in faovr of another bishop?”

    This looks like a job for….The Episcopal Visitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cue John Williams score). Never fear, The Episcopal Visitors will ride in and save the day! They will don their copes and sally forth into the endangered diocese to consecrate, smite evil doers with their croziers, and ensure the claims of the general convention church to every deed, chalice, maniple, candle, font, and ’79 BCP. Then they will ride off on their next mission in service of the president of the house of deputies of the general convention church, and her lawyers. (cue music fade out, camera cuts to scene of GC ’09, where voice vote is held to abolish position of bishop in GC church)

  6. Jennie TCO says:

    Dr. Tighe, KJS will not be one of his consecrators. This was an arrangement worked out with the PB’s office before even knowing that she would be elected. Dio of SC has been planning this transition for a number of years.