Audio–The Episcopal Church and Its Future ”“ Katharine Jefferts Schori

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Presiding Bishop

8 comments on “Audio–The Episcopal Church and Its Future ”“ Katharine Jefferts Schori

  1. Jim the Puritan says:

    Wow, I can’t believe she made the mistake of being interviewed on a Christian radio program. She must have thought she was going on the station of a fellow-traveler denomination (ELCA), when instead she was going on a station of the LCMS (I assume by the reference to Concordia during the break).

    Everyone, this is well worth the time to listen to. It will open the eyes of anyone who still has them closed as to the true nature of TEC.

  2. A Senior Priest says:

    Completely Pelagian, Semi-Arian, Pneumatic Heresy.

  3. Jim the Puritan says:

    #2–That’s understating it, if anything. I thought it was an interesting highlight during the break when a caller thanked the radio station for revealing the truth on the Unification Church. I wonder if this is part of a radio series on cults.

  4. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    Sigh…one more reason to consider the Ordinariate.

  5. MichaelA says:

    It makes you wonder why the TEC HOB continues to support Kathryn Schori? She is churning through money at a great rate, with precious little to show for it except a plethora of empty or soon-to-be-empty buildings, and an admitted loss of 50,000 parishioners per year (the real number is probably much greater). And in the end its the parishioners who pay episcopal salaries and pensions (noting there are signs that TEC has been raiding the capital of endowments and trusts – you can only do that once!)

    Some TEC parishioners have been dropping out of church altogether. Of the rest, a very few have gone to Rome or Orthodoxy, but most have swelled the ranks of orthodox protestant churches. These are the primary beneficiaries of Schori’s foolish leadership.

  6. priestwalter says:

    The interviewer makes it clear at the end of the audio that he doesn’t hold her position as a bishop possible and is referring to her as bishop only out of respect for her. He apparently didn’t want listeners to get the wrong idea.

    This is most certainly an LCMS production. I’m kinda surprised they would even put her on.

  7. sophy0075 says:

    Jim – I’m glad she made the “mistake.” Priestwalter – Perhaps now a few more Episcopalians will realize what an evil, unChristian person is leading their denomination. SeniorPriest – Amen, Brother! If anyone wants to learn about heresy, all (s)he has to do is read/listen to the PB’s “theology.”

  8. Cennydd13 says:

    BINGO to all seven posts!