The idealism, ambition, self-assurance and total hubris at the heart of this salmon escapade are all hallmarks of the [Patagonia’s Yvon] Chouinard executive style. His approach to leading a company is perhaps best understood as a sort of performance art””less about the bottom line than about providing a road map for future entrepreneurs. “I never even wanted to be in business,” he says. “But I hang onto Patagonia because it’s my resource to do something good. It’s a way to demonstrate that corporations can lead examined lives.”
That mission is already well under way. Chouinard’s new book, “The Responsible Company,” published this month, offers detailed checklists for making money without inflicting undue societal harm. Even megacorporations are paying attention to him these days.
Yvon Chouinard and Lost Arrow Brands unfortunately consider financial support of Planned Parenthood part of “being responsible.”