(SHNS) Terry Mattingly–Tensions building between women, Vatican leaders

…”it doesn’t withstand scrutiny for anyone to say that this conflict is about the bishops and Rome being upset about the sisters, (President Barack) Obama and birth control,” said [National Catholic Report’s John] Allen, in a telephone interview from Rome. Also, “no one is upset about all the sisters have done to abolish the death penalty, stand up for immigrants, care for the sick and help the poor. Rome praised them for that. … Frankly, his report could have been written 20 years ago. The real issues in this case are that old.”

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Roman Catholic, Theology, Women

7 comments on “(SHNS) Terry Mattingly–Tensions building between women, Vatican leaders

  1. Formerly Marion R. says:

    Who did this slanted SHNS headline?

    The conflict reported in the article itself is clearly between the Vatican and the LCWR.

    The headline instead claims “Tensions building between [i]women[/i], Vatican [i]leaders[/i].

    The LCWR– an ossification of a small group of 1960s hangovers– is purported to speak for half of humanity, while the Vatican– for 2000 years, by definition, the people who get to say what is and is not Roman Catholic– is painted as a small group of cranks circling their wagons.

    Not only is this editing an action directly supporting the Obama administration’s synthetic “War on Women” meme, it is also a direct implementation of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: Pick the Target (the Church), Freeze It (LCWR = “Women”), Personalize It (the Church = “Vatican Leaders”) and Polarize It (“Tensions Building”)

    The editing is insulting both to Terry Mattingly and to John Allen, who provide calm descriptions of what is really going on if the diligent readers sticks with the article long enough.

  2. evan miller says:

    I don’t understand why the church took so long to act, and why their final actions are so wishy-washy. sounds to me like there are lots of nuns who need to get the sack.

  3. Teatime2 says:

    I just hope the gals don’t get in their heads that they can come on over to TEC and we’ll accommodate, employ, and pay them! They and their “charisms” should stay right where they are!

    Evan, the Vatican can’t “sack” the nuns. (I must admit to doing a triple take when I saw “nuns” and “sack” in the same sentence, lol.) Most of the religious orders are independent. St. Francis and St. Clare, in particular, were harangued by the pope/Vatican so he kept his order of companions independent of Rome. The Benedictines are independent, as well.

    Sorry, but anyone who automatically cheers for the Vatican is forgetting that there were/are many bad popes and Vaticanos. A lot of the best-loved saints’ lives were made miserable by the faithless bureaucrats. I’m not saying these nuns are saints or are even laudable because I really don’t know them or the particulars. But I do think it’s wise not to offer knee-jerk encouragement to the PWB in Rome. They’ve been wrong. A lot.

  4. Capt. Father Warren says:

    [i]is forgetting that there were/are many bad popes and Vaticanos[/i], ah, the moral equivalency argument. Nice dodge………bad apples are bad apples. Read the Gospel from the 15th Chapter of John for this Sunday. Branches which do not produce fruit will be taken away by the Father from the Vine. Better late than never; and it matters not whether it is a Nun, One in Orders, a Priest, Deacon, Bishop, Cardinal, or Pope.

  5. Teatime2 says:

    Oh, but Capt. Father, who takes away the bad papal fruit? I don’t give a toss about these nuns but I find it absolutely ridiculous how some elements of the RCC, namely the pope and his cronies, are always given a pass. Remember the reasons for the Protestant Reformation in that regard or did you swim the Tiber?

  6. Chris Molter says:

    I’m sorry, but what has the Reformation era Popes to do with Pope Benedict XVI? And “cronies”? Really? And they are ALWAYS given a pass?? Where have you been the last 10 years? Utter rubbish. Fifteen seconds on Google will give you a slew of articles from within and without savaging the Pope and his “cronies” for just about any reason imaginable.

  7. St. Jimbob of the Apokalypse says:

    Teatime2: “Oh, but Capt. Father, who takes away the bad papal fruit?”

    Mercy takes it away. When we forgive those who have transgressed (especially if we aren’t the original victim of the transgression). Mercy starts with us.