An Invitation to the Consecration of Mark Lawrence in January 2008

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * South Carolina, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops

14 comments on “An Invitation to the Consecration of Mark Lawrence in January 2008

  1. miserable sinner says:

    Was gonna ask about these. Now I don’t have to.

  2. physician without health says:

    Is Schori going to be there? She is coming to Advent in January for the consecration of our new Suffragan. It is tearing me apart that she will be on the pulpit of our parish!

  3. Chris says:

    they will fill the place up easily – maybe do a TV simulcast for the overflow? What was the situation when +Salmon was consecrated?

  4. Terwilliger+ says:

    I am terribly sorry that she will be in the pulpit of your parish church. As to the other issue, since the Diocese of South Carolina is still a TEC diocese, I would imagine she will be at Lawrence’s+ consecration as the chief bishop doing the consecration.
    This situation reminds me of when Steenson was consecrated and the outcry of a “few” – one priest in particular – who pleaded with Steenson not to continue in the Rite with +Griswold as chief consecrator.

  5. Kendall Harmon says:

    Every time I post anything related to this matter, the question of chief consecrator comes up. I would like it if one of these threads could be about the good news of the Lawrences coming and the future of South Carolina’s diocesan ministry.

    The chief consecrator will not be the Presiding Bishop, who will not be present, and this was all worked out well in advance of the first ELECTION.

  6. High Church Pietist says:

    This is good news, indeed. You are all in our prayers.


  7. Christopher Hathaway says:

    I didn’t see The Episcopal Church mentioned in that invitation. Mark is going to be a “Bishop in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and to serve as Bishop of South Carolina”

    Maybe it’s assumed that TEC is included in that.

    But then again, maybe it isn’t.

  8. Terwilliger+ says:

    It truly is good news that Lawrence+ is going to take the helm in South Carolina – I did not mean to overlook this important development for SC. However, for those unaware that the details of the consecration has been worked out in a way that is desirable, surely you can understand why the issue of consecration has naturally been one of curiosity and concern.
    Nevertheless, I am glad for you all in SC and pray that the Diocesan ministry under +Lawrence will continue to firmly establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of everyone there to for the sake of the Church and the glory of Christ.

  9. Bill McGovern says:

    You might not want to miss this event. It could be the last consecration of an orthodox bishop in TEC.

  10. Oldman says:

    Praise God for South Carolina and its new Bishop. Many of us faithful have worried so that this wonderful man would not be consecrated. We in the South East look to South Carolina for strong leadership in upholding the faith, since so many of us are under Bishops who have no idea what Christian Faith really is.

  11. Lapinbizarre says:

    So “By the Grace of God The Diocese of South Carolina requests your …. presence at the Ordination and Consecration”, just so long as you’re not Katherine Jefferts Schori?

  12. Sarah1 says:

    RE: “So “By the Grace of God The Diocese of South Carolina requests your …. presence at the Ordination and Consecration”, just so long as you’re not Katherine Jefferts Schori?”

    I am confident that no spectators will be turned away at the door.

  13. Rob Eaton+ says:

    I’m planning on attending. Perhaps there will be a corner set aside for T1:9 readers to put names and faces together.


  14. SC blu cat lady says:

    My husband was there for Salmon’s Consecration. Hurricane Hugo had ripped through SC and the consecration was not held at the Catherdral but at another large Charleston Church (not Episcopal).

    Christopher#7 and ALL
    I have been told that Lawrence’s Consecration was originally planned to be held at the Citadel Chapel. Large space, wonderful pipe organ, and plenty of parking. Also, be aware that the Cathedral has just been renovated. I believe this is only the second diocesean wide event held at the Cathedral since it has been renovated. The first was the ordination of several deacons back in September.

    While the Cathedral is lovely, it is not a huge place and can comfortably seat perhaps 700. The ordination back in September was pretty near a full house so expect a even larger crowd for this service.
    Remember that diocesean clergy will be there so expect a couple hundred of places to be already reserved. Also, there is ONE parking lot across the street. So parking- BIG problem. I have heard that there will be shuttle buses from various nearby parking garages to the Cathedral. Expect the overflow crowd to be somewhere nearby with TV following the service.

    I don’t think there is any need to make any assumptions about
    “Bishop in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and to serve as Bishop of South Carolina”. This seems pretty reasonable to me considering at a baptism in our parish, our rector introduces the newly baptized as the newest member of Christ’s One Holy, Catholica and Apostolic Church. Why is necessary to assume the worst ??

    When my husband and I were at the Diaconate Ordination in Septemeber, it was an incredibly moving service with wonderful liturgy including chant by Bishop Salmon and Father Dow Sanderson and terrific sermon ! We plan on being there !! [Sigh, I can’t remember who preached.]

    SC Blu Cat Lady