Encouraging Story for a Wednesday Morning–A man's life can be changed with forgiveness

When Stakwell Yurenimo, a Samburu in northern Kenya, did well on his eighthgrade exams, the Kenyan government informed him that he had qualified to go to a high school that they would choose. They also chose his roommate, a young man named Paul, who was a member of the enemy tribe, the Turkana. Stakwell determined in his mind that there was no way he would room with a Turkana. In fact, part of his culture demanded that in order to be respected as a man, he needed to kill a Turkana….

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Africa, Anthropology, Ethics / Moral Theology, Kenya, Men, Pastoral Theology, Religion & Culture, Sports, Teens / Youth, Theology

One comment on “Encouraging Story for a Wednesday Morning–A man's life can be changed with forgiveness

  1. Northwest Bob says:

    What a witness! Praise the Lord!