Heads up for the Summer Reading List–Allen Guelzo's Gettysburg: The Last Invasion is out

Of the half-dozen full-length histories of the battle of Gettysburg written over the last century, none dives down so closely to the experience of the individual soldier, or looks so closely at the sway of politics over military decisions, or places the battle so firmly in the context of nineteenth-century military practice. Allen C. Guelzo shows us the face, the sights, and the sounds of nineteenth-century combat: the lay of the land, the fences and the stone walls, the gunpowder clouds that hampered movement and vision; the armies that caroused, foraged, kidnapped, sang, and were so filthy they could be smelled before they could be seen; the head-swimming difficulties of marshaling massive numbers of poorly trained soldiers, plus thousands of animals and wagons, with no better means of communication than those of Caesar and Alexander.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Books, Defense, National Security, Military, History

One comment on “Heads up for the Summer Reading List–Allen Guelzo's Gettysburg: The Last Invasion is out

  1. TomRightmyer says:

    Guelzo’s book on the Reformed Episcopal Church is a classic. It is available on abebooks.com forabout $7.00.