Food for Thought–Bishop Ed Little on Prayer

From here:

St. Paul tells us that when we pray, God does a miracle. He takes our inarticulate groans (even elegant words from the Shakespearean era are inarticulate in the face of Eternity) and, so to speak, “translates” them. Our poor human words become, in a way well beyond our grasp, part of the infrastructure by which God accomplishes his purposes. A recent book on prayer by Anne Lamott is entitled: Help, Thanks, Wow. Even that three-word summary of prayer’s essential concerns points at best to a hitting of the keys. Tap, tap, tap. We say the words (or, sometimes even better, simply sit in silence without words). That’s a good thing. We do our part. Then the Spirit does his.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Spirituality/Prayer, Theology