One Anglican Parish's Core Values

We are a church that reflects God’s compassion for everyone wherever they find themselves in their journey towards God ”“ for those who feel joy and wish to celebrate, to those who are weary and need rest, to those who wish to discover God’s will for their lives, for all who hurt and need healing, to those who pray and for those who struggle to pray, for all who want a community of fellow searchers for truth, we welcome in the name of the Holy Trinity.

As Anglicans committed to the Anglican formularies and worship, our life together is founded on reading, studying and applying the Holy Scriptures.

Read it all and see what you think.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Anglican Identity, Missions, Parish Ministry, Soteriology, Theology, Theology: Scripture

One comment on “One Anglican Parish's Core Values

  1. Luke says:

    If their verbiage accurately reflects their thinking, I believe there is great confusion at this parish.