(Stuff) Separation saddens New Zealand Anglican church congregations

The congregation of a Hamilton church divided by a denominational debate on the proposed blessings of same sex relationships spent yesterday’s services in separate buildings praying for one another.

Around 100 members of West Hamilton Anglican Parish left the Rifle Range Road church last week under the Rev Michael Hewat and his wife Kimberley Hewat’s leadership. The departure came following months of discussion of a controversial motion passed in May by the General Synod of the Anglican Church in New Zealand and Polynesia.

The motion aimed to establish a working group to recommended a process and structure which included a “yet-to-be-developed liturgy for blessing right ordered same-gender relationships”.

The Hewats, supported by 95 per cent of the congregation who attended a special meeting this month, opposed the motion on the grounds that it was contrary to the teachings of the Bible.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, Anglican Provinces, Ethics / Moral Theology, Pastoral Theology, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), Theology

3 comments on “(Stuff) Separation saddens New Zealand Anglican church congregations

  1. Undergroundpewster says:

    Met at the funeral parlor chapel. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Taking your flock to greener pastures may protect a few sheep but the larger flock’s defenders are fewer in number. Look for things to accelerate.

  2. MichaelA says:

    [blockquote] “The Hewats wrote to Hartley and Richardson, who as Archbishop of the New Zealand Dioceses is the country’s most senior bishop, saying they could not sign the declaration of assent to General Synod over Motion 30. The bishops withdrew their licences on Friday. Kimberley Hewat was a youth pastor.” [/blockquote]
    That confirms a statement already reported from one of the bishops – Revd Hewat stated that he could not sign the declaration of assent, and he was peremptorily dismissed. Dissent, no matter how genuine, will not be permitted.

    This is EXACTLY the sort of behaviour one can expect when the liberals start to get power in a church, as is apparently happening in the Anglican Church in New Zealand.
    [blockquote] “The bishops, who have declined a Times invitation to write a 500 word comment piece on the situation, also expressed disappointment of media coverage.”[/blockquote]
    No doubt, but a short look at the way things have gone in USA and England should have warned them that the media don’t tend to fawn all over the liberal position.

  3. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    [blockquote]Waikato and Taranaki bishops the Rev? Dr Helen-Ann Hartley and the Most Rev Philip Richardson[/blockquote]
    Ah, one of those new-fangled women bishop thingies, backed up by her screaming liberal primate.

    A very pastoral response I think – NOT. She just could not wait, could she? Notwithstanding the crocodile tears it looks like she is another one modelling herself on KJS and headed into a stew of her own making. Be careful what you wish for – you will get it and split the body of Christ.

    How would she measure up standing alongside these ministers I wonder? The thing is – is the Church in New Zealand making itself fit for purpose, or is it, as it looks like from here, preparing to go down the pan with TEC in a sticky mess.

    It is just not good enough. Must do much better – zero out of ten marks for Hartley’s home-made jam.