What a vibrant, youthful chap! says this geezer approaching 83.
May you and your fellow South Carolinians thrive under the leadership provided by +Mark and yourself, and the others, who are all meeting the challenge!
Birthday greetings from London where the daffodils nod in fitful sunshine. Lunch or supper promised for Dr and Dr Kendall at my club (the Athenaeum) if you ever want to take up the offer.
Congratulations, Kendall. Got four years on you; I hit the big 6-0 in October. And it still boggles my mind how much you look like my brother.
What a vibrant, youthful chap! says this geezer approaching 83.
May you and your fellow South Carolinians thrive under the leadership provided by +Mark and yourself, and the others, who are all meeting the challenge!
Many happy returns and prayers for a wonderful year ahead!
Happy Birthday Kendall! Thanks for allowing us to offer our greetings and our prayers for much blessing and fruitfulness in the year ahead.
I am so blessed to have known you and your wisdom and analysis during this time, Kendall. You are a true gift!
Birthday greetings from London where the daffodils nod in fitful sunshine. Lunch or supper promised for Dr and Dr Kendall at my club (the Athenaeum) if you ever want to take up the offer.
And here I thought that fire from the Charleston Battery on April 12 was for your birthday. Dang seditious rebels.
Just the same, Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday, Kendall!
A very happy birthday Kendall+.
Congratulations on your 55th. It is my 60th. It is Thomas Jefferson’s 272nd: http://news.yahoo.com/10-facts-thomas-jefferson-270th-birthday-100616820.html
We are in good company!