(San Diego Reader) San Diego Area Episcopal churches to be sold

Two North County Episcopal churches, both over 60 years old, were told last week that due to declining attendance and compounding red ink, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego has decided to fold them.

The land and the buildings that house St. Anne’s in Oceanside and All Saints in Vista will be sold.

A letter dated October 25 from the Rt. Rev. James Mathes, who oversees the San Diego Episcopal diocese, said that after 15 months “of discernment by clergy and lay leaders of the congregations themselves,” a sale was forthcoming. “The costs of maintaining separate properties, [and] compensated clergy and staff”¦is beyond the capacity of the congregations themselves and the diocese.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Episcopal Church (TEC), Religion & Culture, TEC Parishes

3 comments on “(San Diego Reader) San Diego Area Episcopal churches to be sold

  1. MichaelA says:

    How is this diocese going? It appears to be yet another example of the retreat of Anglicanism in some areas of the USA.

    I appreciate that TEC is not synonymous with Anglicanism, but if there are no other Anglican churches in these areas, then the closure of a TEC congregation seems to amount to the loss of Anglican witness in the area?

  2. Pb says:

    “Many Americans have genuine spiritual hunger, but fewer and fewer receive nourishment through traditional religious communities predicated on one building, one or more clergy, and one congregation…. I anticipate additional actions and unifications in the coming months.”
    This seems to be an admission of failure.

  3. David Keller says:

    #2–It seems to be an admission of ignorance. What possible relationship does TEC have with “traditional religious communities”? In fact that’s the problem. Christianity works. Whatever TEC is fails.