Statement of TEC Bishop of WNY In Response to the Primates' Gathering

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Justin Welby, Anglican Primates, Archbishop of Canterbury, Episcopal Church (TEC), Primates Gathering in Canterbury January 2016, TEC Bishops

One comment on “Statement of TEC Bishop of WNY In Response to the Primates' Gathering

  1. John Boyland says:

    Sometimes I wonder if these bishops might somehow make an orthodox case for supporting SSM, but then I read:
    However, Bishop Brent, and I, and that line of bishops would say that the purpose of Christians seeking to work together and build stronger relationships is so that we can have a stronger voice to take a stand for human rights and to work for justice.
    And then I am reminded of the gulf. Here we see Christian unity as merely a means to strengthen human rights. But who gave us those “rights”? How do we know what they are?. Who is the Judge? That’s all forgotten.