(BP) Eric Metaxas–Not 'Getting' Religion: Boogeyman and Misunderstandings

When an intrepid IU student confronted the threat at a local frozen yogurt shop””that’s your first clue””he did not find a Klansman, complete with hood and whip. Instead, he found a Dominican friar, Father Jude McPeak, whose “hood” turned out to be his habit and whose “whip” was his rosary.

And far from looking for someone to assault, Father McPeak was on his way back from a meeting with students. It wasn’t the only time he had been on campus: He often walks around IU praying for students.

For his part, Father McPeak chuckled and said it wasn’t the first time his appearance had ruffled some feathers.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Education, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture, Secularism, Theology, Young Adults