Church Times–Canada: Venables licenses 30

More than 30 clergy received licences to serve in the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) from the Presiding Bishop of the Southern Cone, the Most Revd Greg Venables, on Saturday at a ceremony in South Delta Baptist Church, Vancouver.

The 29 priests and four deacons have left the Anglican Church of Canada and put themselves under the archiepiscopal authority of the Southern Cone because of the disagreement with the Canadian Church over homosexuality.

British-born Bishop Venables, who is 58, also commissioned two Canadian bishops: the retired Bishop of Brandon, the Rt Revd Malcolm Harding, and the former Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador, the Rt Revd Donald Harvey, who will be the Moderator of ANiC.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Cono Sur [formerly Southern Cone]

17 comments on “Church Times–Canada: Venables licenses 30

  1. PadreWayne says:

    Interesting that the service took place in a Baptist Church.

    Where their theology, in spite of hierarchy, belongs.

  2. CanaAnglican says:

    If the Anglican Church in Canada took more cues from the Baptist Church in Canada, it wouldn’t be going to hell in a handbasket.

  3. AnglicanFirst says:

    Reply to PadreWayne (#1).

    What is it about the theology of “the Faith once given” followed by the ANiC that caused you to make your comment?

  4. the roman says:

    Must be that ole’ homophobic theology of course. But why the allusion?

  5. Anvil says:

    The Canadian websites give a full account of the ordination services (Essentials Blog, Anglican Mainstream).
    On the Saturday a venue for 1000 plus well wishers was required for the commissioning of the two bishops. The next evening 350 plus orthodox Anglicans gathered for the first ordination service of the Anglican Church in Canada which was conducted at St. John’s Shaughnessy -an ANiC parish.
    Had it occured to you that our Baptist Bretheren’s theology is a major contributing factor to their requirement for a facility holding 1000 plus worshipers? That’s company I’m proud to stand with.

  6. Choir Stall says:

    Padre Wayne is just upset that many dioceses and parishes of TEC are downsizing (read dying – decaying – outliving usefulness). Many in TEC soon to meet in a Starbucks near you.
    Padre Wayne: If you didn’t have a vested pension, would YOU stay on the ship that you’re steering?

  7. Cennydd says:

    HEY! I say more power to ++Venables! Do it again, and again, and again!

  8. Cennydd says:

    And what difference does it make WHERE he does it?

  9. Philip Snyder says:

    Can you point to the distinctive “Baptist” theology that [b]BISHOP[/b] Venables and the [b]priests[/b] are holding? I don’t seem to recall any bishops or priests in any Baptist congregation in my entire life – let alone the dreaded Southern Baptists.

    There is a lot we can learn from our Baptist brothers and sisters. We need to learn about Evangelism, Adult Christian Ed., Mission Trips, Bible Study, Missionary Zeal. I think we spend too much time congratulating ourselves that we are not Baptists to remember that they are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Phil Snyder

  10. In Texas says:

    I seem to remember the DoT held a convocation Eucharist in Beaumont, TX, at one of the local Assembly of God church’s, since that was the only venue large enough to hold everyone. This was prior to GC2003, so the local AoG church did not get in trouble from their church higher ups for letting the “heathens” use the church building (insert smiley here!).

  11. TLDillon says:

    A Padre Wayne hit and run! Somethings never change!

  12. Cennydd says:

    ODC: Padre Wayne just hasn’t got a clue!

  13. midwestnorwegian says:

    Padre – revisionista Bolshevik throwing another Molotov cocktail….
    “All hail the power of Hierarchy, let Believer’s prostrate fall….”

  14. Choir Stall says:

    Delete me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Padre Wayne the guy who can’t stand to have reasserters on his blog? So much so that he doesn’t want anybody but his own mirror image to post?
    How corrupt! How in the HECK do people pass ordination exams with this kind of rancor and spite?

  15. PadreWayne says:

    Um, no, Choir Stall. I don’t have a blog.

    Rancor and spite? Hardly. Veiled amusement, perhaps…

    My dot-connecting had to do with my suspicion that “reasserters” have more in common, theologically (check that I omitted hierarchy, Cennydd), with Baptists than with traditional Anglicans (“the faith once delivered”).

    ODC, I don’t hit and run. Check previous entries. There are many times, however, when the pastoral needs of my growing parish come before the blogosphere…

  16. CanaAnglican says:

    Traditional Anglican = We accept the Bible as God’s word and live by its teachings.

    Baptist = We accept the Bible as God’s word and live by its teachings.

    ECUSA = We accept the Bible, but don’t understand much of what it says.

    TEC = What’s the Bible?

  17. Anvil says:

    PadreWayne 15.
    Based on your performance on this thread, your parish might be better served if you spent more time blogging.