Canadian Bishop Threatens David Short

Former Sydney Anglican, the Rev David Short, who has been charged with abandoning Anglican doctrine, has now been threatened with charges of trespassing if he sets foot on the property of St John’s Shaughnessy, in moves which could see more Canadian churches forced from their properties.

Mr Short, who is the rector at St John’s, and all other clergy belonging to the Anglican Network in Canada in the Diocese of New Westminster received letters outlining the charges from Bishop Michael Ingham on Monday.

The letters also advised that the clergy were forbidden to ”˜trespass’ on the church properties, exercise any ministry and remove anything from the properties, including books.

read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Law & Legal Issues

15 comments on “Canadian Bishop Threatens David Short

  1. Irenaeus says:

    “No trespassing” edicts:
    A new form of welcome. A new means of inclusion.

  2. The_Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    “Paging Mr. Pot, Mr. Black Pot! There’s a Mr. Kettle for you on line 1, sir!”

  3. Festivus says:

    Would that be the abandoning new Anglican doctrine or the old Anglican doctrine?

  4. Daniel says:

    This story should be read with music by Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 playing softly in the background. The particular song I have in mind is “Where is the Love.”

  5. them says:

    When I asked a dirty bum to leave the church property because he kept constantly harassing people for another handout, I was told that the church was for everyone and the dirty bum was welcome and would always be welcome. You could have sunk a ship with all the stuff and started a councling center with all the help we had given the bum. But Clergy can be kept away from church? Why?

  6. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Hmmm. I wonder how ++Gregory Venables and +Donald Harvey will relate at Lambeth next month to that wolf in sheep’s clothing, +Michael Ingham.

    Too bad that orthodox ++Terry Buckle, as “Metropolitan” for the “province” of British Columbia and the Yukon, can’t seem to reign in +Ingham or even confront him. I understand that he actually has no jurisdictional power over the detestible Bishop of New Westminster, but at least he could publicly denounce him and shun him.

    David Handy+

  7. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    +Ingham – the Anglican Mugabe.

  8. justice1 says:

    One thing that bothers me the most is the lack of a strong and unified voice from the broader Church when things like this happen. Ingham loves to see his picture in the papers. So where is the front cover of Christianity Today with the bold caption, “HERETIC” under his mug? Indeed, north American Christians seem to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to bearing one another’s burdens. I guess everyone is just rubber-necking, and glad it is not them.

  9. William P. Sulik says:

    My comment was going to be to the effect of this is threatening like a dockside bully.

    However, after misreading #4, Daniel (“…Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 playing softly in the background. The particular song I have in mind is “Where is the Love.”) I have the SNL version of Haddaway’s “What is love” going through my head. See the animated gif collection here:

    [i]Baby don’t hurt me
    Don’t hurt me
    no more
    what is love?[/i]

  10. Br. Michael says:

    8, there is no broader church. It’s that simple.

  11. Daniel says:

    re #9 – I guess +Ingham and his ilk can trace their problems to “Wookin’ Pa Nub (in all the wrong places)” as stylistically rendered by Buckwheat on this SNL episode. Come to think of it, many of the recent pronouncements from TEC and its allies appear to have been run through Buckwheat’s logic and linguistic filters. 🙂

  12. MikeS says:

    Including books…by which I presume they are suggesting to include books that are the property of Rev. Short’s personal library and not merely the parish’ pew Bibles and BCPs.

    Once again, anything we want, we claim. Very Christian of them.

  13. iAnglican says:

    Actually, I think they probably want all the Packer books in our library, along with the Stott, Barnett, Nouwen, Hooker, Jewell etc. so they can burn them when they take over.

  14. iAnglican says:

    …or maybe they want to sell them on eBay to raise funds for the other parishes that are dying because no one is showing up….because there’s no message to hear.

  15. pendennis88 says:

    I hear you can write good letters from jail.